Scholarships and Bursaries

At UCAST, we are investing in the future of our students by enabling access to a world-class education. We believe that funding concerns should not stop any student with the talent to thrive.

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Scholarships and Bursaries

Average amount awarded annually in scholarships and bursaries between 2018-2022
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Average number of students helped annually with fees and material expenses between 2018-2022

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Students from 79 different countries awarded scholarships between 2018-2022

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Find scholarships and bursaries

UCAST has generous scholarships for both home and international students. Not sure which one you are? Find out more about your fee status.

You will be automatically considered for Cambria's major scholarships when you apply - we take all the information we need from your application so you don't have to do anything extra.

Use our scholarships and bursaries finder to find out which awards you could be eligible for:

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Scholarships for undergraduate students

If you're starting an undergraduate programme with UCAST this October, then these opportunities are available to you.

Information on scholarships and bursaries for students beginning their studies next yar are under review and will be published in our bullet/event session.

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Scholarships from external funders 

Scholarships from external funders for postgraduate students (not affiliated with UCAST):

1) GREAT Scholarships

2) China Scholarship Council

3) Fulbright Award

4) Commonwealth Scholarships

5) Chevening Scholarships

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