#What is APEL?
UCAST Accredited APEL Assessment Centre
APEL is a systematic process of identification, documentation, assessment and accreditation of prior experiential learning, i.e knowledge, skills and attitudes, to determine the extent to which an individual has achieved the desired learning outcomes for access to a programme of study, the award of credit of for the award of academic qualifications.
it recognises lifelong learning and enhances social inclusion by providing access to academic qualifications for those who might otherwise be excluded by lack of formal qualifications or work demands. APEL at UCAST provides an opportunity for individuals who have acquired non-formal and informal learning but lack of formal academic qualifications to gain recognition in the form of credits throughout their work and life experiences.
#What is APEL?
A Campus Without Precendent
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) provides an opportunity for individuals with working experience but lack formal academic qualifications to further your studies at College or University. With APEL, you can now have your work experience and any other prior experiential learning be recognised!
Entry Requirements

You should show evidence of relevant work experience / prior experiential learning.

Master's Degree
You should show evidence of relevant work experience / prior experiential learning.

Doctorate's Degree
You should possess degree/master's degree or equivalent qualification.
You should show evidence of relevant work experience / prior experiential learning.